About Me

There are two types science fiction films I love: those that entertain and those that inspire deep thought. Some of my favorite movies in the latter category are "Ex Machina", the "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Blade Runner 2049". Some common threads that run across these movies include inquiries into the nature of humanity, the limits of technology, and the alteration of memories. They often address serious subjects, but they keep me riveted because of their intricate stories with cutting-edge visual effects. Nothing can top "The Matrix", "Guardians of the Galaxy" or "The Matrix" for sheer entertainment value. These blockbuster films have the perfect balance of Movie Reviews funny moments, thrilling action, and eye-popping special effects to keep me entertained from beginning to finish. Science fiction that strikes a balance between deep philosophical considerations, and lighthearted entertainment is generally the best.

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Failsafes that are fail-proof
We're scream queens and kings
Iconic Cult Films

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